Having meals in a school

At Gothia Innebandy Cup about 450 teams participate and we all have different food preferences. Therefore we have chosen meals that we think most participants like.


The menu is published at Gothia Account in December.

Both lunch and dinner is served with a salad buffet including. All meals are served with crisp bread, milk, water, tea and coffee. At the lunch there is fruit, you can bring one with you for later.

Opening hours

The school cafeteria is open almost all day to make it easier for your team.

Breakfast is served between 06.00-09.30
Lunch is served between 11.00-15.30
Dinner is served between 16.30-20.30

Meal Cards

Teams that are staying in a hotel or have book their own accommodation can purchase meal card for seven meals to a cost of €60. The meal cards are personal and valid at one assigned cafeteria for all meals. Order your meal cards at Gothia Account.

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